Thursday, 15 September 2011

Children using the Computer

DATE:  9 September, 2011

Children practicing their computer skills
At our centre the teachers and I support the children’s use of a computer in order to help them practice and enhance their knowledge, skills and learning experiences (Tsantis, Bewick & Thouvenelle, 2003).  We believe that having this technology available supports the children’s learning and helps them to keep up with the existing and ever changing technology in the world.  We discussed the importance of carefully examining “the underlying educational content, format, and features” to ensure that we buy appropriate computer software that effectively supports the “children’s active learning” (Tsantis, Bewick & Thouvenelle, 2003, p. 6).  As a result the children are able to engage in age appropriate educational software that enables them to learn and enhance their literacy, numeracy, cognitive and fine motor skills in a meaningful and interesting way (Lee, Hatherly & Ramsey, 2002; Ministry of Education, 2004).

We have recently fixed the children’s computer that our children enjoyed using to play the various educational games that were downloaded into the computer programme.  I noticed that some children wanted to go on it just about every day and practice both their new and already developed computer skills.  The knowledge of how to use a computer and mouse varied between each child using it.  Some knew how to click onto the programmes and games that they wanted to play due to the amount of access available to them at home, whereas some other children, who did not have a computer or were not allowed to use one, needed more assistance in order to learn how to eventually do this by themselves.

I recognised how the children learned how to negotiate with each other by taking turns and helping each other whenever someone did not know what to do – which was fantastic!  The children learned how to persevere and problem solve when they found things a little difficult to do in order to overcome any problems that they faced.  It was great seeing them sort, match and sequence objects, and also follow the dotted lines by moving, clicking and dragging the mouse accordingly in order to complete each required task that was set before them.  I also recognised that the more the children practiced these skills, the better and more confident they became at mastering their own skills and being able to help others who were not as capable or unfamiliar with using this type of technology (Ministry of Education, 1996). 

I also recognised that the computer is sometimes viewed as a “babysitter” and that the teachers’ computer abilities or inabilities “can have a direct impact on how effectively children’s learning needs are met through technology” (Tsantis, Bewick & Thouvenelle, 2003, p. 4 & 7).  In order “to scaffold children’s learning in this area we need to broaden our understanding of technology and continue to extend our own knowledge and skill base” (Smorti, 1999, p. 5).  Doing this enables the teachers to help the children learn and “develop experience with some of the technology and resources for mathematics, reading and writing” (Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 78 & Ministry of Education, 2004, p. 4).  When teachers engage with children using the computer to extend upon their knowledge and skills, it becomes a useful educational tool rather than a babysitting device (Lee, Hatherly & Ramsey, 2002; Tsantis, Bewick & Thouvenelle, 2003).

The significance of the use of the computer on the children’s learning and development in our centre is their increased confidence and capabilities to use this technological device (Ministry of Education, 1996).  The children are able to learn and develop their cognitive abilities, hand-eye coordination and small motor skills to complete the required tasks.  This is done when using their cognitive thinking to make choices, solve problems, sorting, matching, sequencing objects, and following the dotted lines by moving, clicking and dragging the mouse accordingly.  Doing this helps the children realise that “knowledge, skills and resources are combined to find solutions; and there may be more than one solution to the problem” (Smorti, 1999, p. 5 & 6).   

As a result, research of children using the computer indicates they gain “in intelligence, non-verbal skills, structural knowledge, long term memory, manual dexterity, verbal skills, problem solving, abstraction and conceptual skills” (Haugland, 2000 cited in Lee, Hatherly & Ramsey, 2002, p. 15).  Using the computer also encourages children to share information, develop their language and decision making skills (Davidson & Wright 1994; Fischer & Gillespie 2003; Haugland & Wright 1997; Sarama & Clements 2001; Wright 1994).  This demonstrates “the importance of developing computer awareness and basic computer literacy skills (understanding how computers can be used) as early as the preschool level” (Tsantis, Bewick & Thouvenelle, 2003, p. 7 & 8).


Anderson, G.T., S.C. Hilton, & M. Wouden-Miller. In press. A gender comparison of the
cooperation of 4-year-old children in classroom activity centers.

Davidson, J., & J.L. Wright. 1994. The potential of the microcomputer in the early childhood
classroom. In Young children: Active learners in a technological age, eds. J.L. Wright & D. Shade. Washington,

Fischer, M.A., & C.S. Gillespie. 2003. Computers and young children’s development. Young
Children 58 (4): 85–91.

Haugland, S.W., & J.L. Wright. 1997. Young children and technology: A world of discovery.
Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Lee, W., Hatherly, A., & Ramsey, K. (2002). Using ICT to document children’s learning.
Early Childhood Folio, 6, 10-15.

McCarty, W. 2000. Computers and children. Humanist Discussion Group. Vol 14, No. 285.
London: Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College. Online:

Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mo nga mokopuna o Aotearoa .Wellington: Learning Media.

Ministry of Education. (2004). Kei tua o te pae assessment for learning: Early childhood exemplars.

Sarama, J., & D.H. Clements. 2001. Computers in early childhood mathematics. Paper
presented at annual American Educatioal Research Association, April, Seattle, Washington.

Smorti, S. (1999). Technology in early childhood. Early Education, 19, 5-9.

Tsantis, L. A., Bewick, C. J., & Thouvenelle, S. (2003).  Examining some common
                about computer use in the early years. Young Children. Vol 58 (1), pp. 1-9.

Wright, J.L. 1994. Listen to the children: Observing young children’s discoveries with the
microcomputer. In Young children: Active learners in a technological age, eds. J.L. Wright & D. Shade. Washington, DC: NAEYC.


  1. This is a great experience for the children. Through the use of computer games the children are able to learn new knowledge and skills in academic subjects in a fun way with the use of visual effects and sound. I strongly agree with you that sometimes computers and computer games can be seen as a babysitting strategy but teachers have a responsibility to engage with the children to make these learning opportunities valuable and meaningful. It is great that the more skilled children are able to lend assistance to children that are still learning. A suggestion that you could consider for children that are having difficulty controlling the mouse could be to use hand over hand to help them get a feel of how to control the mouse. It is wonderful to hear that the children are learning how to persevere when they are finding some tasks are difficult this is a great quality for children to learn as when they get older there will be tasks or times when things will be difficult and they will need to preserve and be persistent to complete tasks or get through difficult situations. Great reflection Michelle!

  2. Michelle this is wonderful! You are supporting the children to develop skills in using computers and in this world of technology we are living now, developing such skill is vital for children even at an early age. The good thing I can see coming out of this whole experience too is how the children learn to negotiate and share with each other by taking turns and helping each other. It is important that we as teachers give a lot of opportunities for children to develop such skills because they are all lifelong skills that children need to persevere. Te Whāriki also stated that children experience an environment where they are encouraged to learn with and alongside others (Ministry of Education, 1996, p.70). The other positive outcome of such experience for children are their literacy skills are developed example their vocabulary increases each time they use the computers. As you mentioned a quote by Te Whāriki earlier on as well, that one of the significance of the use of the computer on the children’s learning and development actually boost their confidence and capabilities to use that technological device (MoE, 1996). Keep it up girl! I really enjoyed reading your blogs ;)

  3. This is a great experience Michelle! I agree that computers a very important and by the children using games that are supporting their academic skills and having fun at the same time is a great way for children to learn how to use a mouse and what the buttons on the computer and mouse are used for. It lets the children explore together and problem solve but also lets the children socially interact together aswell as letting the children learn about turn taking. By the children using computers at a young age will help them in the future to become confident and competent as the world we live in now is all about technology and has a great impact on our lives. I beliveve that computers should not be used as babysitters and that they should be thought of as a tool to help children engage in learning academically but at the same time learning about technology. Awesome Michelle!

  4. Serena
    Computers are an essential tool in the modern school age. The world is changing at an ever increasing pace and our job as educators is to facilitate opportunities for children to adapt to this. Computers have opened a pathway for children to explore while under guidance and supervision of more knowledgeable adults. "Many authors discuss the need for educators to have well-developed understandings of the role and potential of ICT for supporting young children’s learning, as well as practical skills in knowing how to make best use of the technology (e.g. O'Hara, 2004; O'Rourke & Harrison, 2004; Patterson, 2004; Siraj-Blatchford & Whitebread, 2003)". cited (Ministry of Education, 2003, p.8).

    You spoke about how some children are more experienced with computer technology having access to them in the home environment. This becomes evident when they are encouraged to use the school computer, other children who have less contact with this form of ICT show less understanding and need further assistance to attain these skills. "Other studies signal that children’s experience (or lack of experience) with ICT at home is an important factor for educators to consider in planning for the use of ICT in early childhood education settings (Brooker & Siraj-Blatchford, 2002; Downes, 2002). Finally, case studies highlight a role for ICT in supporting parent involvement in their children’s learning (Lee, Hatherly, & Ramsey, 2002; Whalley & the Pen Green Centre Team, 2001)". (MOE 2003 p.8).

    We can encourage our parents if they have this technology to aid their own children in the home to become active seekers of knowledge with the assistance of computer technology supported by parents. Furthermore it is always a joy for me to notice older more experienced or more knowledgeable children scaffolding others to become competent in any area of the center.
