DATE: 15 &
18 August, 2011
This morning I noticed
that the computer had been replaced by a light panel that we had taken out of
the writing and reading area of the centre because the computer stopped working
and needed repairing. The light panel was hardly used by the children in that area since we got it approximately 6 months ago, , but when it was brought into the
science area within the lounge where the children mostly played, the children
seemed more interested in using it. The
teachers and I also added more colourful resources such as feathers, counters,
sliced stones, and oil/water/dye filled cylinders which made it more visually
appealing to use this technological device.
By doing this it gave the children more choices of resources as well as
using the animal and human x-ray pictures that were originally available.
A child exploring the coloured feathers. |
Children examining various coloured objects. |
Due to this updated change, I have noticed that some of the children have been fascinated in looking at the new various objects and resources by experimenting with the effects of moving them around on the light panel to change or contrast their colours and dimensions. I saw some children playing with the different coloured feathers on laminated sheets by placing them on top of one another to see what they would look like. They found that some colours, such as, blue and pink make purple; yellow and pink make orange; blue and yellow make green; and all of the coloured feathers make a light green and brown colour. As a result, the children developed “a perception of themselves as “explorers” – competent, confident learners who ask questions and make discoveries” when they actively explore the different ways in which the various resources can be used (Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 88; Ministry of Education, 2004, p. 4).
I also noticed that
some children were still interested in looking at the x-ray pictures every now
and then to see their bones shine and glow on the light panel. When some children said that the skeletons of people
looked scary when the light showed their bones, the other teachers and I found that engaging in these conversations provided other opportunities for the children to learn that the picture shows the bones that are also in our bodies. By doing this with the children it helped them to make connections of themselves to the human skeleton pictures and also learn about the human and animal anatomy.
significance of the children’s learning and development from using this
technological device is the ability for teachers to help support their “construction
of knowledge” as they devise new ways of engaging with the resources available
(Bredekamp & Copple, 1997 cited in Mindes, 2006, p. 111). When the children are engaged in this type of
activity, “it is the ‘doing’ that is important, rather than the ‘product’” in
the “process approach to technology” (Smorti, 1999, p. 6). This also helps “foster critical thinking,
problem solving, and knowledge acquisition in children” when experimenting by
themselves or collaborating with others in this way (Bredekamp & Copple,
1997 cited in Mindes, 2006, p. 111). In this way they are able to “experience enhanced learning opportunities through the meaningful use of ICT which will enable them to enhance their relationships, and broaden their horizons by exploring the wider world” (Ministry of Education, 2004, p. 2).
G. (2006). Social studies in kindergarten. In D. F. Gullo (Ed.), K today teaching and learning in the
kindergarten year. (pp.107-115). Washington, D.C.: National Association for
the Education of Young Children.
Ministry of Education.
(1996). Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga
mo nga mokopuna o Aotearoa .Wellington: Learning Media.
Ministry of Education.
(2004). Kei tua o te pae assessment for
learning: Early childhood exemplars.
Smorti, S. (1999). Technology in early childhood. Early
Education, 19, 5-9.
Wow Michelle, this is a great experience. I think in all centres when particular resources or technology is not being used as much we need to ask ourselves why? And in this experience you explained the light panel was moved in an area where the children played the most, maybe this was what was needed to engage the children. I really liked the fact that you and the teachers thought of placing coloured materials such as feathers and stones to make it more appealing and inviting, it is simple strategies like these that help to engage children. It is great that the children have the opportunity to freely explore the light panel with the different materials you and your centre have provided. It is great to see the children leading their own learning through making their own discoveries such as using the different coloured feathers to make new colours. It is obvious from what you have noticed and written that the children in your centre are gaining a lot of new discoveries and knowledge through being able to explore with the light panel. It is great that you and the other teachers are able to notice the children’s discoveries, concerns and interests and include these as opportunities for the children to learn new knowledge. Great work Michelle!
ReplyDeleteI really like the way you and the other teachers facilitated colourful resources to enrich and trigger the children’s learning and interests. When teachers do this they are advocating children’s learning and this is great! because it helps children to become more competent and confident. This supports my personal philosophy in teaching as well, that children are collaborative learners and are active adventurers, explorers, creators and inventors and that they have the right to learn and be treated as individuals within a broader community (social cultural) and treated with respect in every situation. In saying this I meant how you and the teachers approach the children in allowing them to have the freedom to explore the light panel. It is a really wonderful learning experience and a very good example on how we should develop the use of technology with the children. Awesome work Michelle ;)
ReplyDeleteHey michelle what a great experience to provide for the children. I think it's great how you put the light panel in the area the children play the most as this helps the children take more interest and engage in this exciting experience. I believe by providing different materials for the children to look at on the light panel this will help them learn about shadows and different shades of colours. It also lets them experience their bodies and they are able to connect xray photo's with where our bones are in our bodies. It's good to see you noticed this interest and extended on it for the children. It lets the children explore and make discoveries they might not have known before. You could also try things like snail shells, cicada shells, insects etc... Well done Michelle!
ReplyDeleteHi Michelle, I really liked how your staff had offered a new technology in the science area after discovering your computer was in need of repair. I find in my own practice also that children become more comfortable in certain areas and are more willing to explore different experiences there. This technology illuminates light, the children would have had fun with the bright and colourful resources that you have provided. Scientifically the children learned that primary colour's mixed together can create secondary colour's for example blue mixed with yellow makes purple.
It was really nice to see how you and your team of teachers made use of an existing technology that may have been overlooked by the children.I believe that children should be exposed to a variety of materials so that they can manipulate, problem solve and explore. From this children develop, "The knowledge that trying things out, exploration, and curiosity are important and valued ways of learning" (Ministry of Education, 1996, p.84.) I liked how x-rays were provided for the children further promoting science and the understanding of the human body (tinana). You supported their learning by making connections of the bones in the x-ray to the bones in their own bodies. Well done!